Good to know your wife is on the path to recovery. Do not worry about us in this space; your family has priority.

All the best to you and yours.


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Do not worry, your family comes first!

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Thank you for sharing your personal story. We all certainly understand and have compassion for all you are going through. I have just one suggestion: please don't work so hard. You don't need to. Family is more important. ps. you are an awesome teacher.

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You still sound way way too busy. I for one feel I'm getting much more than my monies worth no matter when you feel you can reasonably return. I've got a backlog of your excellent training material and the email subscription provides thought provoking content whenever you can provide it. I can tell that you are a good husband and family man. Keep it up and take time for yourself.

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So glad to hear your wife is doing better! 👏🏻🙏🏻 Regarding the Newsletter: FAMILY COMES FIRST!

I am looking forward to your new courses for Photoshop and NEO! All the best in your wife's recovery!

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You are a terrific guide and instructor, but more importantly, you are a good husband who puts family before business. Do you think anyone would fault you for that? Thanks for sharing this info with your fans.

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All the best to your wife for a full recovery. Family and whatever pays the bills should always come first.

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Remember family first, we understand there are things more important rhen your wonderful writings

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All the best to your wife !

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I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you wife recovers quickly. Glad they found out what the problem was.

Take all the time you need. Your wife is much more important!

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God bless you and your wife and may she have a speedy recovery.

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Glad your wife is doing better! Forget all the other stuff, your family comes first. We can wait!

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Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully it will be a quick recovery.

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No need to apologize Anthony. Family comes first. Glad to hear your wife is good now.

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I pray that your wife continues to do well. Sometimes navigating the medical system is frustrating, but I was happy to hear the diagnosis was made and a speedy recovery is in progress.

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Sending good vibes for fast and successful recovery. As for you, take some time to smell the flowers and don't jump into a pressure pit. With ya all the way!

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