"Emotion or feeling is really the only thing about pictures that I find interesting. Beyond that it is just a trick." ~ Christopher Anderson

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I've not heard that one before. Thank you for sharing!

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I'm a fan of great quotes. My website has one on every page - and they're not all by photographers!

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“The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good.”

- Stanley Kubrick

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"Millions of people take pictures. A few do photography." Originator forgotten.

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A guiding quote of mine:

Jerry Kosinski (author): "The principles of true art is not to portray but to evoke."

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Love this idea and the notion of how quotes can inspire.

So here's another one that I love...

"What usually destroys the experience of a photograph is to start criticizing it."

--Minor White

It reminds me that art, photography included, is to be experienced. Criticism, while possibly useful, can kill the mood. Take it in for what it means to you. That's all...

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"The difference between the casual impression and the intensified image is about as great as that separating the average business letter from a poem. If you choose your subject selectively – intuitively – the camera can write poetry. " Harry Callahan

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Never think of Karl Lagerfeld as a photographer, but nonetheless his observation - photography as a way of stopping time (the camera as a time machine?) gave me greatest pause here. A moment frozen in time… contrast and compare the bullshit people talk about ‘making memories’ (aka putting shit on Instagram) which I absolutely hate. Memories are something else completely…

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Thank you for this…I needed something to corral my wayward compass! I love all the photographers you chose to quote.

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Reminders like this are helpful, even. If our art is about bending or breaking them

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Thanks, Anthony, for this inspiring newsletter as we begin a new year!!

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