Why subscribe?
Every Monday, I publish my free weekly newsletter, Anthony Morganti on Photography. In it, I discuss things I feel are often overlooked by those who practice the craft. To me, it seems most photographers are too concerned with gear, f-stops, and iso settings. Look at the most popular YouTube videos on photography, and you’ll discover that the most popular videos are gear-related videos. Photography is so much more than gear, and here, I’ll be writing about those other things one should care about if one wants to maximize and realize their full talent. Subscribe and never miss an update!
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Paid subscribers will get an additional post on photography that goes out every Thursday or Friday. They’ll also have access to my occasional podcast. Paid subscribers can also post comments and questions to me in our online community and finally, paid subscribers will have access to all archived posts.
Who is Anthony Morganti?
I’m a professional photographer and photography educator from Buffalo, New York. In the 1980s, I established a thriving Wedding, Portrait, and Stock Photography business called, Creative Edge Photography in the Buffalo, New York, area. I now spend my time teaching photography through workshops and YouTube Videos. My YouTube channel currently has nearly 400,000 subscribers. I also mentor students one-on-one – My mentoring program has been full to capacity and closed to new students since September of 2014 and has a waiting list of over 100 people hoping to be mentored by me.
I am a member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA).
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Where else can you find me?
Website: https://onlinephotographytraining.com/
Courses, Presets, and other stuff I sell (Will be updated soon): https://www.anthonymorganti.com/
Some of my personal photography: https://anthonymorgantiphotography.com/