My latest course, PHOTOSHOP UNLEASHED, is on PRESALE. Save BIG During this sale.
One question I’ve been getting regarding my newest course, Photoshop Unleashed, is:
What’s in it?
The sales page for the course has a blue button that is easy to miss:
If you click the blue button, Course Contents, you’ll be brought to a page listing all of the course videos. That should help you decide whether or not the course is right for you.
Thank you to everyone who purchased the course during the presale! I plan to keep the presale active until the course goes live; at this point, the presale pricing will end.
I hope to have the course done a few days early, and if I do, I won’t pull the rug out from under you; I will warn you at least 48 hours ahead of time that the course will be going live and when it does, the presale pricing ends.